Friday Afternoon in Digbeth

Friday Afternoon In Digbeth

I didn’t have that much time for a look around for a photo so this is fulfilling my contract obligation as all the best rock bands say. I thought I would photograph Digbeth in the opposite direction rather than the usual look into Birmingham city centre and the Bull Ring. The Old Crown is just in front

Photo Number: 141-365 Year2
Date Taken: Friday 19 May 2010
see my Fine Art Photographs at my website
This Time Last Year:

Welcome To Birmingham 

“Turn off the M6 motorway at spaghetti junction and within no time your in Birmingham city centre. I cant understand why there is such high priority given to directions to Bromsgrove a small town that is situated on the other side of the city and has motorway access via another part of the motorway system, why would you want to drive to Bromsgrove from here? Why Bromsgrove? There are other larger, or prettier, or more interesting town’s villages and areas.”

Oh the power of the internet within a short time someone had answered me:

The dull answer is this: There are particular places (strategic junctions, larger cities etc.) which are "Primary Destinations". When you are travelling on a primary route (Motorway or A-road with green signs), one of the directions listed should be the next primary destination you reach if you follow the road. I suspect that Bromsgrove is the next primary destination after Birmingham on the A38. Some road atlases highlight the primary destinations in a green background. One of the good reasons for doing this is that other countries in Europe are much more used to following primary destinations rather than route numbers -- if you've ever driven in France, you'll see what I mean.

Another good example of this phenomenon is Scotch Corner in North Yorkshire -- this is signed from miles around, despite the fact that all that's there is a farm and a service station - but it's a primary destination because it's where the A66 and A1 meet.

1 comment:

  1. nice photo (the one with building in front & the blue sky background)
