Sunset in Birmingham on the Shortest Day at 3:57pm

Sunset on the Shortest Day at 3 57pm

The 21st December is the shortest day of the year, the Winter Solstice: today the sunrise in Birmingham was at 8:17am and the length of the day was 7h 39m 23s. Tomorrow we will gain 15 seconds however all is not straight forward looking at the charts I notice that today we gained 8 seconds on the 20th December which had gained 1 second on the 19th December. Yet today is recognized as the shortest day, and then I remembered we have to make adjustments with leap years so this must be something to do with it those calculations, I will leave it to the scientists to delve into. My only interest is that the nights will get lighter and we are nearer to the beginning of the cricket season with each sunset..

Photo Number: 354-365
Date Taken: Monday 1 December 2009
You can view this image full size at my Flickr website and see my Fine Art Photographs at my website

1 comment:

  1. Lovely picture. But to answer your question about the different amounts of daylight time lost/gained each day you need to consider 'The Equation of Time'! If you follow this link - - all will become clear(ish)!
